Co-Parent with

Confidence & Ease

No Matter Who You’re Co-Parenting With

Our 5-Week Course will Teach You to Move Skillfully to a Low-Conflict, Positive Co-Parenting Relationship, Even If Your Co-Parent is not Involved.

You dream of a co-parenting relationship where conflicts are handled with skill and grace, where you feel respected and heard, and where your children thrive in a secure and nurturing environment.

Co-parenting can be heartbreakingly hard work, full of frustration, fear, anger and disappointment. You might feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Or you might struggle with a co-parent who doesn't make things any easier.

You long for a future where it's easy to negotiate with your co-parent, with clear boundaries, and a consistent and supportive atmosphere for your kids in both homes.

Two children sitting on a couch looking worried while parents stand with crossed arms at the front of the frame

Hey There, Co-Parent, I See You.

A mother looks curiosly at the seashell in her childs hand at the beach
Tiffany comfortably leaning against the back of a chair looking at the viewer and smiling
A father looks with interest ath the floating bubbles his son is pointing out

You are in the Right Place.

What if I told you there was a pathway out of co-parenting stress? You would no longer need to deal with angst, double-guessing and egg-shell stepping.

This answer doesn’t involve giving in and self-sacrificing. It allows your children to feel settled and comfortable as you raise them across two homes.

I have been helping co-parents for over twenty years to make the transition to being a two-home family. The messiest, most tricky moments you’ve ever had with your co-parent? I spent years working with families in that gut-wrenching 3% who end up stuck for years in Family Court. We got good outcomes even then (though they were hard-won).

I’m not saying your life isn’t unique - but I am saying you are not alone, and if you feel like you are? It's high time you met your community and support team!!

Tiffany holding a notepad and addressing co-parents in the front of frame

Achieve unshakeable confidence. You will acquire a toolkit of self-support strategies and ensure your children's resilience. You will master effective communication. And you will do all this in just five weeks without going anywhere near a lawyer or mediation.

Our 5-week Co-Parenting Intensive Reset is for co-parents like you. You want to bring harmony to the home and resolve conflicts easily with your co-parent. We can do this even if the other parent is not on board.

Co-Parents and children sitting on the floor and calmly meditating

You won't all be meditating, but it's hard to find an image of confident, relaxed co-parenting!

Through our program of live coaching and self-guided learning, you will gain advanced skills to resolve conflicts quickly, communicate effectively, and set up a positive co-parenting framework that benefits you and your gorgeous kids.

You will get the tools to handle difficult conversations, manage your emotions, and create a cooperative and peaceful environment. The best part? We can show you how to do this even if your co-parent is not involved.

Your future is not dictated by your past.

It's time to Reset.

Tiffany sitting with her hands on one knee while smiling at the camera

"Tiffany is warm, supportive, knowledgeable and practical.

She believes in a family dynamic where the wellbeing of the children is prioritised, such that they always feel supported and loved and never ‘in between’ the grown ups.

She has a lot of resources and practical tips on how to help you work towards this goal, even when it seems difficult and unachievable."

Reset Graduate

Let me tell you what's in store...

This is not like anything you’ve tried before.

We build your co-parenting identity and strategy from the inside out. I won’t tell you what to do - I'll show you how to do it with ease and confidence.

Take control of your co-parenting experience. Use practical science-backed strategies to handle disagreements, set boundaries, and foster cooperation. Create the two-home family you want for your kids without needing to wait for your co-parent to participate.

Within 5 weeks, you will have built a toolkit of techniques to address conflicts with empathy and confidence. You will have a consistent parenting approach that matches your values, and confidence in protecting your children's wellbeing.

If this sounds like just what you need:

This is How I Support You to Get There:

  • Self-Paced, Accessible Learning: Our 5-week Intensive Reset is designed to fit into your busy life. Learn at your own pace, in the privacy of your home. You'll have on-demand access to all expert-led video content through our online student portal.
  • Reflect & Integrate: Turn knowledge into change with our journal sheets included with every module. Capture your insights. Document the practical steps you’re taking to simplify and destress co-parenting.
Tiffany talking to a small group of smiling attentive co-parents
  • Get Personalised Help: Reach your goals faster with our dedicated community. Each week, join live coaching calls with me and a group of like-minded co-parents. In these sessions, we will unpack the online content. We will troubleshoot practical applications, and give tailored advice to you. Share your experiences, ask questions, and benefit from support and feedback.
  • Immediate, actionable steps: This is no "breathe in, breathe out, let it be," course. It's called "Intensive" for a reason! You’ll be taking life-changing actions that make a real difference from Day One. Each module provides clear, practical steps that are designed to bring rapid positive change to your co-parenting.

Our Four Pillars


Step into your strength and live life on your terms. Learn the power you have over your circumstances and the baggage you can set down because it no longer belongs to you. Learn why this pillar is your non-negotiable rudder for confident and relaxed co-parenting and creating the future you desire for your children and generations to come.


We create a space for you to reconnect with your own wisdom. We teach you to skillfully care for your emotions. We help you powerfully transform your relationship with the thoughts and fears that hold you back. Develop critical skills for managing stress and high emotions. Learn how to stay present and respond to triggers in ways that truly serve you and your kids.


The bold new world of separated co-parenting requires a new guidebook. Create clear, workable boundaries that your co-parent respects. Learn to communicate your needs assertively. This will lead to fewer conflicts and better cooperation in parenting tasks and decisions.


Discover practical strategies for understanding and positively influencing your co-parent's behaviour. Build a functional, respectful relationship centred on the shared goals for your child's well-being.

Every aspect of our Intensive Reset is practical, supportive, and directly relevant to the real challenges you face in co-parenting. We focus on useful insights and strategies. You can apply them immediately to create a healthier co-parenting relationship, no matter your current situation.

Your co-parent's involvement doesn't matter. Our Intensive Reset gives the tools and support you need to succeed.

In Sickness and in Health, Co-Parenting is Forever,

But it Doesn't Have to Cost you the Earth.

There is much truth when people quip that the only winners in legal disputes are the lawyers. How much money have people you know lost in fighting endless legal battles trying to find a resolution their co-parent will stick with?

The average cost of separation and divorce in Australia is $21,000 per person -

and $50,000-$300,000 if your matter goes to Court!

You're navigating the tangle of conflict for the best interests of your kids and your right to have separate lives. It doesn't have to be exhausting and financially crippling.

Two lawyers using pens to point at notes in a folder with a gavel in the foreground

Our Co-Parenting Intensive Reset is designed as a lifeline against the financial drain and emotional distress of the Family Court system and the relentless cycle of lawyer letters, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution. We give you proven strategies to help you collaborate with your co-parent, protect your children from harm, avoid high legal costs and reduce emotional pain.

Select Your Reset Experience Now

Early Bird Offer Available Until Midnight 1 August 2024

Start Now with Immediate Access to All Online Course Content. Next round of Group Coaching Calls commences 13 August 2024


A group of happy people sitting comfortably and listening attentively to Tiffany


  • Start today with immediate access to all modules and resources.
  • Live Expert Guidance: A Welcome Call and Four 90 minute Group Action calls with our expert Co-Parenting Coach, Tiffany Rochester.
  • Community Support: Opportunity to learn from and cheerlead others. We get faster and better outcomes in the company of peers. Connect with like-minded co-parents who get what it is you're trying to do.

Intensive Reset + Group Calls

Standard Registration $997 from 2 August

Early Bird $


Payment Plans Available


Tiffany sitting at a table smilling and presenting to an online audience on a laptop and microphone

Collective Plus

  • Collective Benefits: Includes all the benefits of the Intensive Reset Collective.
  • Two additional 1:1 Coaching Consultations with our expert Co-Parenting Coach, Tiffany Rochester. Use your consults for dedicated support for your unique co-parenting challenges.
  • Premium Option: Best for those who need extra help beyond what’s covered in our standard Collective package.

Intensive Reset, Group Calls + Individual Consults

Standard Registration $1677 from 2 August

Early Bird $


Payment Plans Available

Why This is Your Best Investment:

  • Comprehensive Savings: Our 5-week Intensive Reset costs less than two hours with a lawyer. Yet, it gives lifetime access to expert-led content and personal live coaching. These will build a comprehensive co-parenting toolkit that goes far beyond reaching an "Agreement." It will help you shape a positive dynamic for your children's whole lives.
  • Reduce Mediation Costs: Traditional mediation sessions can cost thousands of dollars. That's not to mention the time lost in coordinating diaries and attending sessions. Our course equips you with conflict-resolution skills that can greatly cut or end your need for expensive mediation.
  • Avoid Legal Fees: Legal letters, consultations, and ongoing litigation can quickly escalate. Managing conflicts proactively and well saves on the high costs of legal interventions.
  • Reclaim Your Time: Imagine having fewer stressful interactions. There would be less time lost in angst before them, and more time for what truly matters. Our graduates report spending much less time on conflict and correspondence. Instead, they spend more time on positive, productive activities with their children and loved ones.
  • Emotional and Mental Well-being: Beyond saving money, this course will boost your emotional strength and cut stress, so that you and your gorgeous kids can grow and thrive.

Live life on Your Terms.

Transform your co-parenting relationship. Reduce your reliance on costly legal services. Bring calm back into your life with our Co-Parenting Intensive Reset.

The most valuable change begins with a single, well-chosen step. Make yours today.

What our Clients Say

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the course's online resources?

We will email you your login credentials to our online course portal. We’re always here to help you navigate any technical issues or questions you may have, so you can focus on what’s most important: your kids, yourself, and your next chapter.

How long will it take me to complete the Intensive Reset?

We're not kidding when we say it's an Intensive! If you are starting the online content at the same time as our live calls, you should allow up to 90 minutes a week (for four weeks) to complete the online components.

Our Welcome Call will run for half an hour, and each of our Action Calls will be 60-90 minutes (depending on the size of your group).

We have mediation / FDR soon. Will this help me?

Absolutely. This course will equip you with skills and strategies for successful mediation or Family Dispute Resolution (FDR). You will gain a clearer understanding of your own priorities and goals, and acquire practical communication tools to help you reach agreements with your co-parent.

Additionally, the course includes a smorgasbord of self-care techniques to help you manage emotional complexities that may surface before, during, and after the Mediation/FDR process.

How does this course differ from 1:1 Coaching?

This course is designed with both immediacy and affordability in mind. The early years of separation are financially and emotionally taxing - I don't want you sitting on my waitlist, and having to pay out for individual consultations when I believe I can help you achieve the same - or better - outcome through my online program and connection with your community inside our live calls.

I've distilled over two decades of crisis intervention and ten years of separation guidance into this reset, allowing me to deliver this to you at 6% of what it costs in a 1:1 live delivery model!

The group consultations allow me to provide personalised support to address your specific challenges, making the most of each session without the hefty price tag of traditional 1:1 coaching.

Should you choose to pursue additional Coaching after the course, you'll be well-prepared with a solid foundation. This means any subsequent 1:1 coaching can be more focused and efficient, as you'll already be versed in the core principles, saving time and resources as we dive into the details of your personal situation.

Will I be in the same Action Calls as my co-parent?

No, to ensure privacy and a comfortable space for open discussion, we do not place co-parents in the same Action Call groups. To facilitate this, we'll ask for your co-parent's name during the sign-up process. If both you and your co-parent are enrolled for the same start date, we will allocate you to different groups.

Can I share the Reset or Membership with my co-parent?

Each purchase is intended for individual use. If your co-parent is interested in completing the Reset, a separate enrollment is required.

What if I miss an Action Call or have technical difficulties?

We understand that life can be unpredictable, and we want to make sure you have access to all the valuable content we provide. All of our live calls are recorded and uploaded into the membership portal as soon as possible after the call. Only those currently enrolled in your group have access to those recordings.

If you need to defer your four Group Action calls to the following intake, please contact us after purchase to arrange this deferral.

We require 72 hours' notice to reschedule any individual consultations, and cannot guarantee availability if you cannot make your original scheduled time.

Do you issue certificates of completion?

Yes, upon completion of the course, you will be given instructions for how to request your certificate.

How do the Action Calls in the Co-Parenting Intensive Reset work?

When you enrol in the Co-Parenting Intensive Reset, you can begin immediately with full access to the online course material.

Group Action Calls

This is my favourite part, and it's integral to your growth and development. You'll meet the most gorgeous people, inside a safe, supportive, structured environment.

Here's what you can expect from the Group Action Calls:

Cohort-Based Learning: You will be part of a cohort, meaning you and your fellow co-parents will start the Group Action Calls together and progress through the sessions as a unit.

Consistent Timing: To accommodate the routines of our participants, calls are scheduled for consecutive weeks during term time around lunchtime, based on Australian Western Standard Time. This consistency allows you to plan your time effectively.

Individual Action Consults:

Upon registration, those who opt for individualised support will receive a link to book their four 1:1 consults.

What if my co-parent isn't making changes?

Honestly, I would love your co-parent to also complete our Reset. However, this sadly is the minority of our families for now. Without a doubt, we see our participants creating huge changes in their co-parenting dynamic, and creating more space and ease in their life, even if their co-parent has come nowhere near our programs.

You will gain tools and strategies to communicate effectively, set healthy boundaries, and prioritise your children’s well-being, regardless of your co-parent’s behaviour. You don’t have to rely on your co-parent to change in order to make progress. By focusing on your own growth and your children’s needs, you can create a better co-parenting dynamic for everyone involved. We promise you, THAT will be enough.

Does Co-Parenting Companion's tools and strategies have a scientific basis?

Yes! We are a data-driven science-geek business! We operate on a foundation of rigorous scientific inquiry, particularly in the realm of Contextual Behavioural Science (CBS). CBS is a comprehensive field dedicated to understanding human behaviour within the context it occurs, with the ultimate aim of reducing suffering and enhancing well-being. The effectiveness of CBS interventions is backed by an extensive body of research, including over 1,050 randomised controlled trials. If you share our enthusiasm for evidence-based approaches, we invite you to dive deeper into the science behind our methods. Learn more here.

What are Tiffany's qualifications?

Okay, the fact that you're asking this question means you are exactly the kind of person that belongs with us!

I hold a Bachelor of Psychology and a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology, and I'm a credentialed Collaborative Coach.

My two decades of work history include Government Agencies, Not for Profits and Private Practice. I have worked with families navigating separation in and out of court for over ten years.

I currently serve on the Council for Collaborative Professionals WA and have previously held key positions within the Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science, including Board Member, Conference Chair, and President. I have previously been a Research Associate at the Telethon Kids Institute.

What is the refund policy?

We generally do not provide refunds. We may consider requests on a case-by-case basis at our sole discretion. Accepting our full terms and conditions is a condition of purchase.

Are you ready to drop the stress and co-parent with finesse?

Co-Parenting Companion respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners of this land, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. We pay respect to Elders past and present. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of this land. They never gave up sovereignty and remain strong in their connection to place and culture.

Co-Parenting Companion provides a safe and affirming space for people of all cultures, genders, sexualities and neurotypes.

24 Augusta Street


+61 8 9374 2260

All rights reserved® Co-Parenting Companion 2022

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